Essay writing about my school
Expository Essay Topics About Mental Illness
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Ramifications of working abroad (Hong Kong). What can you do to make Research Paper
Consequences of working abroad (Hong Kong). What would you be able to do to make it beneficial - Research Paper Example Leaving one’s own nation and moving to somewhere else and calling it as the new and embraced country is surely a Herculean assignment since it includes restored organizing conceivable outcomes and the inevitable legend of getting bombed and afterward returning to the previous home in any case. It is to be sure something that acts like a hazard whenever seen inside the right settings and my case has been the same. At the point when I mull over the sort of dangers that I am going to attempt, I consider both the positives and negatives and afterward I gauge them to discover which dish is heavier of the two. I have consistently had confidence in facing challenges for an amazing duration yet it is the determined hazard that I am continually banking upon as opposed to shooting in obscurity which doesn't cut down any accomplishment for any one. On the off chance that I move to Hong Kong, I would need to forego all my own and expert ties that have been worked with the progression of t ime inside the United States (Whalen, 2011). This would imply that my excursion will begin without any preparation most definitely. It will be another home for me and henceforth an absolutely new and rejuvenating experience. ... One needs to take care of such a significant number of angles that it appears to be a burdensome errand in total. Pushing forward, I have to contrast each and everything and what I am getting in the United States. This places me in an immediate correlation with what I will get inside Hong Kong and how I will gather up enough certainty to get myself and my family to the new nation and start life anew. It would imply that I analyze each and everything in an extremely one on one premise, and discover where I am turning out badly and what positives and negatives stay for me over the long haul plan of things. There is simply such a great amount for me to understand that I believe I may be lost some place in the center. I have to consider the compensation issues which will continue coming each month most definitely (Sibeck, 2011). Likewise the way that I have to discover a space for myself and my family is one of the most troublesome errands that I need to attempt as of right now. It will let me know precisely where I remain similarly as settling on this movement choice towards Hong Kong. Generally the entirety of my correlations would be finished with the United States since this is the nation that will say goodbye to. I will consider the instance of transportation inside Hong Kong and what amount is it of an issue to move starting with one spot then onto the next. I will consider the measure of traffic there is inside Hong Kong and what I would need to do to move starting with one suburb then onto the next. These are a portion of the notable angles that I will look at on a relentless premise between where I am living at present (United States) and where I mean moving to (Hong Kong). On the off chance that lone I am ready to discover every one of these answers inside the
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Sherlock Holmes Essay Example for Free
Sherlock Holmes Essay Sherlock Holmes developed in 1893 as an anecdotal beginner criminologist. He had illuminated numerous cases and had the option to discover the reprobate utilizing logical proof. At the point when Sherlock Holmes came out beyond any confining influence, Britain was a degenerate spot as the police power was futile and individuals used to murder and take only for it. Jack the Ripper is the most popular alias date from that period. He used to murder ladies whores from the ghettos and cut out their throats. He at that point sent body portions of his casualties to the police demonstrating his predominance. Individuals thought of Sherlock Holmes as a legend since they figured he could shield them from pedophiles and killers despite the fact that he was an anecdotal character. The driving force to Sherlock Holmes was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. He put together the super sleuth character with respect to his individual specialist, Dr Joseph Bell. He, similar to Holmes, had the option to utilize the intensity of derivation to discover his patients occupation. Conan Doyle made this extraordinary character since he was disappointed with other analyst stories. Consequently he made an overly human like analyst who utilized logical proof to unravel his cases not at all like incident like the other investigator stories. This made Sherlock Holmes a tremendous example of overcoming adversity and when Doyle slaughtered off the character, there was an open up thunder and passing dangers were sent to his home. Along these lines, Doyle brought back the character and his side kick Watson once more from the shadows. Doyle figured out how to keep his crowds inspired by Sherlock Holmes by cunningly making an immaculate thought. This was to discharge various stories consistently as opposed to keeping one story and conveying it one quite a long time after month. This was a shrewd and fruitful way of thinking in light of the fact that Conan Doyle realized that on the off chance that he kept up with one account, at that point individuals would lose intrigue since individuals who missed an issue wouldnt purchase the following one though in the event that he made another story consistently, at that point individuals would at present purchase the issue each month as they didnt miss anything. This is the reason it got known as Sherlock Holmes undertakings. Sherlock Holmes experiences have an extremely one of a kind structure. This is on the grounds that it makes a story with in the story. It begins with the casualty coming to Holmes about their problem(s). They at that point disclose to him their problem(s). This is the place Doyle makes a story inside the story. Next, Holmes examines and afterward sets out an arrangement. He in the long run gets the reprobate. Portions of the structure can frequently shift. This is indicated obviously in the story The man with the bent lip. Rather than the casualty coming to Holmes, they come to Dr Watson; Holmes right hand man. This gives us that Doyle is attempting to shift his structure. Something else is that the casualties generally consistently appear to be of high class. This is absent in the Red Headed League as Jabez Wilson (The person in question) is of lower class. Despite the fact that he is of lower class and his case is somewhat questionable (this is on the grounds that he abruptly quit getting à ¯Ã¢ ¿Ã¢ ½4 week after week from his auxiliary occupation as it just out of nowhere vanished) Holmes was as yet resolved to illuminate his case. This gives us that Holmes will take on any case regardless of who his customer is or how senseless the issue was. A decent citation to help the issue is the weirdest and the most extraordinary things are frequently associated not with the littler violations. The characters that the tales rotate around shift from story to story. There are just two characters that are available in all the 3 stories that I have perused (The Speckled Band, The Red Headed League and The man with the turned lip). These two characters are the sleuthhound Sherlock Holmes and the wannabe analyst Dr Watson. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle utilizes characters as a decent gadget by indicating the peruser and crowd that he has utilized the six principles of a decent criminologist story. * The wrongdoing must be huge * The investigator must be vital * The criminal must be a commendable rival * The hints must be accessible to the crowd * The speculate must show up from the get-go in the story * The arrangement must be sensible and conceivable On account of these standards, Holmes has all the earmarks of being extraordinary to the unaided eye however whenever took a gander at closer you would find that this marvelous character has a characteristic. This is on the grounds that he smokes all the time and consumes medications and so on. The way that he smokes is indicated obviously in the citation from the Red Headed League Watson, I ask of you leave me for 60 minutes. I accept this is a 3 channel issue This underscores the sum that he smokes. 3 channel issue implies he should smoke three funnels before he will find the solution which suggests that it is a troublesome issue. This is on the grounds that a decided and scholarly individual like him doesnt battle with a lot. The citation in the passage above additionally shows us the manner in which Holmes treats Watson. Holmes treats him like a youngster who doesnt know a lot. Another statement to back up the issue is My dear specialist, this is a period for perception, not for talk. We are spies in an enemys nation. This is when Holmes answers to Watsons question with a muddled answer. It gives us how ill bred Holmes can be and that Holmes feels that Watson has a long way to go. Watson assumes the job of the storyteller and snares the peruser. Another job of his is the foil. He makes Sherlock Holmes look better. You reason it out flawlessly. I shouted in unfeigned profound respect. It is so long a chain, but then every connection sounds accurate. This concentrate cited from Watson, appreciates Holmes demonstrable skill. It additionally features his deductive abilities and logical strategies. Something else Watson does is attract the crucial an acceptable end. This is additionally appeared in the statement above. Watson consistently goes with Holmes on day and night outings to offer insurance since he has a pistol. This shows his fortitude as he offers his life and appendages to ensure Holmes and himself. He frequently goes deliberately considerably after Holmes has disclosed to him his life might be in danger. This fortifies his unyielding quality. Reprobates in Sherlock Holmes stories are continually clever and a decent counterpart for Sherlock Holmes. This makes the story all the more energizing and inebriating as we dont know whether the scoundrel will pull off his wrongdoing. The scoundrels are consistently of high class which makes them harder to find or suspect as a great many people wouldnt question them. The scoundrels in Holmes stories fluctuate from great miscreants or casualties who are the reprobates. One exemplary miscreant is Dr Roylott. He is of high class and has probably the most established family in Britain. Something else is that he is a specialist who has turned sour. This is reflected in the garments he wears. As he goes to stand up to Holmes, he wears a dark top-cap, a long gown coat, a couple of high gaiters with a chasing crop swinging in his grasp. This gives us that for a high class man, he has no confidence and has most likely lost his nobility simultaneously. This certainly makes him an exemplary scoundrel as he has no other option however to turn into a lowlife to keep what he has left. The entirety of this affects the peruser. It makes the peruser second look Dr Roylott as they dont might suspect he is a criminal from the start however then it settles on them glance back at that choice and reevaluate the issue before making a decision that Dr Roylott is the scalawag. After this chaotic period, the peruser is left as eager and anxious as can be to see whether he escapes or if Sherlock Holmes and his accessory catch him in the demonstration. It assembles such a great amount of strain as they are an even match. It makes the peruser need to continue perusing to discover what occurs. Pressure begins to work when Dr Royllott strolls in through the entryway. It affects the peruser as they need to know who the unusual man is and why he came. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle figures out how to paint a completely flawless picture of the characters into our heads. Doyle does this by utilizing short yet incredible descriptive words to portray each special and basic element of their body. He gives the detail more than 1 or 2 lines to make it short and smart. Despite the fact that he does this, he can paint the image in our minds to the absolute last detail. An extremely heavy flowery face old courteous fellow with searing red hair This statement backs up the way that the author utilizes 1 or 2 lines of detail is as yet ready to cause you to envision what the character resembles. He utilizes words like red hot which are short and smart yet powerful. It is perfect to portray Mr Wilsons hair shading. Flowery is a decent word as it allows the sentence to sentence is as yet equipped for utilizing it to most extreme viability by depicting Jabez Wilsons face. Holmes assurance is presumably the most significant piece of all Sherlock Holmes experiences. It is appeared in all the tales I have perused and has tackled each of the 3 of the cases. This is on the grounds that he generally drives forward through the intense and simple occasions. The most notable out of the 3 stories I read was likely The man with the curved lip This is on the grounds that it took him such a long time to make sense of who the criminal was. Rather than betraying the case, he endured and settled the case. He did this with sheer assurance. At long last, the criminal was the person in question (Neville St Clair). By and large, Sherlock Holmes is a radiant character. This is on the grounds that numerous individuals thought he was a genuine individual. This shows how great Doyles composing was. Holmes additionally gave Victorian individuals trust the same number of murders and pedophiles snuck the avenues. He even was a good example for the police power as learner cops were advised to peruse them to tell them the best way to get crooks. Sherlock Holmes will be associated with numerous hundreds of years to come and his logical perspective has been embraced by police powers. He will consistently be famous as the best anecdotal and non-anecdotal investigator the world has ever known. Pastry specialist Street additionally has a house where individuals present messages on Sherlock Holmes as that is the place he is accepted to have lived.
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Pre-Orientation Begins
Pre-Orientation Begins Pre-Orientation and a mini-contest! This week, the MIT Class of 2010 (otherwise known as MIT MMX) begins their pre-Orientation. Orientation itself begins on Sunday, but for half of the class, they are already getting to know their classmates and MIT. Thre are more than a dozen different Freshman Pre-Orientation Programs (FPOPs), each covering a different subject. The oldest program is the Freshman Leadership Program, and the newest programs include one on Architecture and one on Literature. The FPOPs are a great opportunity to get to know a few dozen classmates well, before meeting the entire 1,000+ person freshman class. Here are a few of the FPOP highlights: Discover Earth Sponsored by the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Department, Discover Earth brings 20 incoming freshman to Montana, Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks. Students will camp out in the parks, have informal lectures with the Earth Science faculty, and see geysers, hot springs, and evidence of volcanoes. Discover Mechanical Engineering (DME) Over the course of five days, students, with help from Mechanical Engineering Department faculty and students, build Soccer Bots, culminating in an ultimate Soccer Bot battle/tournament at the Museum of Science. Between using the machine shop and working on control boxes, participants get to take a cruise of Boston Harbor and learn to sail at the MIT Sailing Pavilion. Freshman Arts Program (FAP) FAP serves as initiation into the MIT arts community. Each of the 60 freshman in the program and 12 upperclassman mentors explore one of six different disciplines: music, dance, creative writing, film and media/photography, theater, and visual arts. All of these disciplines are well represented at MIT. Students will also check out Boston and Cambridges extensive arts scene. You can read about all of the different FPOPs on the Orientation website. And, of course, following pre-orientation is Orientation itself! More on that soon and a mini-contest! Welcome to campus, MIT MMX! Id like you to send me some of your pictures from your first days on campus, capturing your excitement and surprises at MIT. Some suggested photo topics: Moving into your room getting to know your roommate Your experiences at an FPOP Meeting your advisor The Orientation official welcome Boston Cambridge etc. Here are the rules: You should submit captions with every picture. Each entry should have no more than 6 pictures. You may enter more than once. Enter by sending me an email with either a link to your pictures, or attach the pictures themselves. Upperclassman MIT students who are around for Orientation may also enter. Entries will be accepted now through the first day of classes. The best entries will be posted on this blog. There is a possible bonus prize for the best picture that spells M-I-T. I look forward to seeing your photos!
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Lolita Through a Marxist-Feminist Lens Lolita by...
Lolita Through a Marxist-Feminist Lens After looking past its controversial sexual nature, Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita can be read as a criticism of the capitalist system. Nabokov uses the relationship between the novels narrator, Humbert Humbert, and the novels namesake, Lolita, as an extended metaphor to showcase the systems inherent exploitive nature in a way that shocks the reader out of their false consciousness, by making the former a man in the position of power - a repulsive, manipulative pedophile  and the latter a young female victim  as well as a spoiled, vapid, unruly child. Each is to the other nothing more than a commodity  Lolita being the perfect consumer and Humbert Humbert being a man of privilege who views others†¦show more content†¦However, Humbert Humbert’s arrogance causes him to hold himself above all others, except when hes trying to charm the reader with his false modesty  but it is transparent. By making his narrator so vulgarly arrogant, Nabokov is revealing the capitalist persona he’s created, leaving the reader disenchanted with Humbert Humbert and his charm. Humbert Humbert arrives in Ramsdale with a small amount of money from his deceased rich American uncle and Lolita is instantly taken with his Hollywood good-looks. She was raised in a middle class house, where putting on airs of being wealthier and more sophisticated than one truly is  traits which Humbert Humbert actually possesses  was taught to her by a single, uninterested mother. Lolita is by nature at the bottom of the hierarchy because of her sex and her age, as well as the fact that the reader only sees her through the narrators gaze, but her consumerism makes her restraint all the more difficult to overcome. She is a modern child, an avid reader of movie magazines, an expert in dream-slow close-ups, (49) which gave her unrealistic expectations of love’s value and places her squarely in the object position. Lolita finds solace in material things, objects with no true use or value: movies, movie magazines, stylish clothes, etc., Kinsey 3 and throws tantrums on a regular basis. She had thrown one
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Nike Case Study Free Essays
1. A decision to retain an in-house arm of agency Weiden Kennedy by Nike exemplify the concept of organizational design by allowing Nike use the agency’s creative designers to focus solely on Nike work, giving them un-parallel access to executives, researchers and anyone else who might provide Nike advertisers with their next inspiration for marketing greatness before listening to any other organization. Having the agency in the building is having them at their disposal at anytime they need them and also the agency will have to consider them first incase of any new ad or good idea discovered by the agency or when Nike needs to salvage a problem with the help of the agency. We will write a custom essay sample on Nike Case Study or any similar topic only for you Order Now Thus, the agency at their finger-tips serves great advantages for not only trouble shooting. 2. I believe the organic design of Nike helped in posing the sweatshop labor problem Nike faced. Using a flat structure helps get a lot of work in a short time but none-the-less can cause a lot of trouble as seen in Nike. With a more highly bureaucratic structure, also known as Mechanistic design, practices will be closely monitored to prevent such problems from arising. In a centralized design with many rules and procedures which have to be followed, a clear-cut division of labor and narrow spans of control and formal coordination, the higher management/ board of directors will be very well informed on what is happening in the organization at each and every level. Though organic design has more personal coordination a more strict coordination will help in preventing such issues. For example, if Nike had a tight structure, they would have a predictable goal, centralized authority on whom to report directly to, many rules and procedures they must abide by, a narrow span of control so as to control their workers/management’s practices, everyone has his/her specialized task, and formal and impersonal coordinator. Having this sort of clear division of labor and coordination helps keep the management well informed and they would have known and remedied the sweatshop labor before the allegations surfaced. Nike would have known the right factories to outsource to instead of using factories that fail to meet their standards. 3. Fig. 1 shows what Nike network structure looks like, Mark Parker (CEO) reports to the Board of Directors and in return almost every manager/worker reports directly to him when the need arises. Nike is a divisional company but retains some functional departments as well. The brands Nike sells comprise many of the divisions of the company. Apparel for Nike brand, Converse, and Jordan brands are examples of some divisions created around specific products. Functional departments such as Nike design and investor relations are also part of Nike’s organizational structure. Nike‘s vertical structure includes CEO Mark Parker and a board of directors chaired by co-founder Phil Knight. Although Nike has functional divisions and divisions based on specific products it is not a matrix organization. In a matrix organization, employees report to a functional and divisional manage. At Nike, employees report to the divisional manager and the president of each division reports directly to the CEO. Nike’s continued product innovation and successful marketing are due to the combination of functional and divisional organization using an operations department to insure communication between divisions. There is division of labor but it is not clearly identified. With a more pronounced division of labor and levels of direct supervision Nike can improve its business thereby staying ahead of competition like Adidas. The bulk of divisions reporting to Mark Parker can be cut down introducing more managers to report to in other to lessen the workload on him. Having more layers can help ease the workload and also the more levels reported to will enable more ideas to be shared. A lower manager can have important ideas that will be welcomed by Mark Parker and Board of Directors but cutting such a manager from the line of report will render him unaware of the situation and not able to share his ideas, which may potentially be just the perfect solution to the situation. No doubt he flat structure makes work faster and workers feel more involved in a project, but it’s not always the best because once a project goes wrong, salvaging it is not impossible but it is hard and more time consuming to investigate than in a mechanistic bureaucratic structure. REFERENCE Schermerhorn, John R.. Management. 11th ed. Hoboken, N. J. :Wiley; 2010 How to cite Nike Case Study, Free Case study samples Nike Case Study Free Essays Profile: Nike is a cooperation which sells clothing, footwear, sportswear, and sport equipment. Through many retail stores and various distributors, the company sells products to more than 170 countries including the USA, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific (Datamonitor, 2012). Nike is headquartered in Beaverton, Oregon, USA; it is the top supplier of athletic shoes and apparel and is one of the top manufacturers of sports equipment, with revenue in excess of $20. We will write a custom essay sample on Nike Case Study or any similar topic only for you Order Now 862 million in FY ended May, 2011 (Datamonitor, 2012). Based on geography regions, revenues are generated by Nike through six main regions: North America accounted for 42. 1% of sales, followed by Western Europe (21. 1%), Emerging Markets (15. 2%), Greater China (11. 5%), Central and East Europe (5. 7%); and Japan (4. 3%) (Datamonitor, 2012). Also, Nike is facing with strong competition from Adidas at present. According to James (2012), Nike has 18% market share of the United Kingdom’s markets while Adidas has only 15%. Origins and Key Developments According to Datamonitor (2012), Nike was established in 1964 by Phil Knight and Bill Bowerman. At the beginning, Nike was known as Blue Ribbon Sports which sold Tiger shoes. At that time, Knight shook hand with the Onitsuka Co in Japan in order to mass-produce products. In 1971, Knight and Bowerman planned to change their company from a footwear distributor to a company designs and manufactures athletic shoes. The name â€Å"Nike†was created in 1972 and the brand mark was designed by a student at Portland State University. The mid-1980s was a period of transition when Nike had made a wrong aerobics boom calculation which gave chances for other competitors to develop their businesses. Fortunately, in 1985, new ideas in a signature shoe for National Basketball Association from Michael Jordan helped Nike improve their performance. By the end of the 1980s, Nike has finished their IPO and became a publicly traded company. At this time, Nike focused on advertising to attract more customers and differentiate themselves from competitors. The 1990s saw the rapid expansion of Nike since there are many Nike’s stores around the US and internationally. By the middle of the 1990s, Nike concentrated on sponsorship to make the company become well-known. In 2000, Nike created a new innovation called â€Å"Nike Shox†and focused on the â€Å"Secret Tournament†marketing campaign in 2002. They are continuing to focus on innovative and marketing to differentiate themselves from competitors (Nike, 2012). SWOT Analysis According to Datamonitor (2012), the first of three Nike’s strengths is the market position with strong brand equity. The company became the leader in most of sport’s product segmentation. As a result, their global footwear market share increases from 14% in 2006 to 16% in 2009 (Datamonitor, 2012). In 2011, Nike’s brand value achieved $14. 28 million (Forbes, 2011). Secondly, Datamonitor (2012) pointed out that Nike concentrates on technical innovation and cooperates with other famous companies to create a new range of products. The company is carrying out research to give advisories to athletic, coaches and trainers on effective designs, light materials and develops functions of products. Furthermore, Nike has built the relationship with Apple and has created a product for Apple’s users called Nike+ GPS. Nike+ GPS lets users track their pace, distance, time and calories-burned through their Iphone or Ipod (Nike, 2012). Consequently, many Apple’s users buy Nike footwear to discover this function on their devices. Finally, Nike has a world-wide distribution channel. They sell their products by means of Nike-owned stores and a mix of independent distributors and licenses around the world. In term of weaknesses, Nike depends too much on third party manufacturers in Asia, such as: vietnam, China, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Turkey and Indonesia to decrease the costs of production (Datamonitor, 2012). As a result, Nike has not much control of the product quality. For example, Renonvpilaw (2005) reports that Nike took back about 9,000 units of Nike Get-Go and Little Get-Go children’s athletic shoes which were produced in Indonesia in 2005. Thus, this event makes some impacts on Nike’s image. Nike also has some opportunities to develop the business. First of all, the development of India’s economics within the remove restriction on foreign investment from government make India becomes an attractive market for foreign companies. Datamonitor (2012) shows that the footwear market in India increased 9. 2% and achieved at $4,104. million in 2009. Another opportunity is the rapid development of the global footwear market. According to Datamonitor (2012), the global footwear market rose by 2. 6% and reached $196. 3 billion in 2009 and will achieve $230. 8 billion in 2014. The main threats that Nike is dealing with are the intense competition from Adidas in the international market. Moreover, in the US market, the company has to fa ce cheaper imported footwear from Asia; especially China. It will have some effect on the price of Nike’s products and influence revenues of the company. In addition, according to BBC News (2009), there are about 8,000 pairs of counterfeit sports shoes from China imported to UK per month. It affects not only Nike’s revenues but also the image of company. Evaluation In spite of depending too much on third parties, there is evidence that Nike will try to tighten management in third party factories. Nike will reinforce inspectors and send them to different factories on the world (BBC News, 2008). These staff will ensure the product is produced following the right standards. Beside that, there are signs which show that Nike will develop well in India. According to Nike (2012), Nike wrested the rights to become the official kit sponsor for the India cricket team from 2010 to 2015. By this way, they will become famous in India since Indian is a crazy cricket fan. For another, in order to maintain the market leader position, it depends on Nike’s ability to increase innovation and sponsorship to compete with Adidas. Lee and Aiken (2010:250) report that Nike will investigate into High School League in Taiwan to develop a long term relationship between a company and young customer public events. Thus, Nike will continue to get feedback as well as works on research projects directly with customers, to get experiences in order to innovate their products (Ramaswamy, 2008:11). Finally, Nike will establish the relationship with the police in some countries to avoid counterfeit goods. In Croatia, Nike and Police cooperate together to find out counterfeit goods (Williamette Week, 2011). To summarize, Nike will has chances to develop the company if they continue to maintain the market leader position in term of innovation, taking advantage of sponsorship and having solutions to prevent the development of counterfeit goods. Bibliography BBC News (2009), Fake shoes valued at ? 1m seized, [Online], Available from: http://news. bbc. co. uk/1/hi/england/suffolk/7976876. stm [assessed 7 May 2012]. BBC News (2008), Gap and Nike: No Sweat? , [Online], Available from: http://news. bbc. co. uk/1/hi/programmes/panorama/970385. stm [assessed 7 May 2012]. Datamonitor (2012), Nike Inc: Company Profile, [Online], Available from: www. datamonitor. com [assessed 2 May 2012]. Forbes (2011), The World’s Top Sports Brands, [Online], Available from: http://www. forbes. om/2010/02/03/most-powerful-sports-names-tiger-woods-nike-cmo-network-sports-brands. html [assessed 6 May 2012]. James, H. (2011), London 2012 Olympics: Adidas aims to beat Nike into second place at Games, [Online], Available from: http://www. telegraph. co. uk/finance/london-olympics-business/8545104/London-2012-Olympics-Adidas-aims-to-beat-Nike-into-second-place-at-Games. html [assessed 6 May 2012]. Lee, C. and Aiken, K. (2010), Changing brand assoc iations in Taiwan: Nike’s sponsorship of high-school basketball, Journal of Sponsorship, Vol. 3, May, pp. 50. Nike (2011), Annual Report, [Online], Available from: http://investors. nikeinc. com/Investors/Financial-Reports-and-Filings/Annual-Reports/default. aspx [assessed 4 May 2012]. Nike (2011), History Heritage, [Online], Available from: http://nikeinc. com/pages/history-heritage#tab6-tab [assessed 3 May 2012]. Nike (2012), Nike celebrates India’s cricket team with elite holiday collection, [Online], Available from: http://nikeinc. com/news/nike-celebrates-indias-cricket-team-with-elite-holiday-collection [accessed 4 May 2012]. Ramaswamy, V. 2008), Co-creating value through customers’ experiences: the Nike case, Strategy ; Leadership Journal, Vol. 36, pp. 11. Renonvpilaw (2005), NIKE Recall of Children’s Athletic Shoes, [Online], Available from: http://renonvpilaw. com/picontent/products/recalls/product. php? id=76 [assessed 3 May 2012]. Williamette Week (2011), NIKE REPRESENTATIVE DESCRIBES COUNTERFEIT GOODS SMUGGLING IN CROATIA, [Online], Available from: http://wweek. com/portland/article-18471-nike-representative-describes-counterfeit-goods-smuggling-in-croatia. html [assessed 7 May 2012]. How to cite Nike Case Study, Free Case study samples
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Developing an International Growth Strategy at New York Fries free essay sample
New York Fries is known for its high quality fries made with real and hand-cut potatoes and fried in a non-hydrogenated, trans fat-free, sunflower oil. Jay Gould, president of The Company and founder is holding a biannual meeting with its franchisees in the next three days. He is planning to discuss about the plan to have international expansion into another countries, such as China, India, and South Korea. However there are many risks and costs to consider, as there have been a number of failures in international expansion at South Korea and Australia. NYF operate mainly from franchise. Franchise owners bought the rights to operate NYF in different locations. NYF will then get upfront fee and monthly royalty, NYF also encourages franchisees to open more stores by giving refunds for the next five stores opened. Currently there are more than 190 NYF stores in six countries, Canada, Hong Kong, Macau, United Arab Emirates, and South Korea, with sales in excess of $64 million (Prashad, 2011). This paper will analyze about the reason why South Korea and Australia market failed; lack of funding, poor business skills, and unable to follow the standard, and furthermore I will touch briefly on the motivation for franchising and what NYF need to do before entering new market in India and China. There are three main reasons why Australia and South Korea failed to meet NYF expectation, which are, lack of funding, poor business skills, and unable to follow company’s standard. One of the biggest mistakes is when Gould underestimates the importance of fund. Often time people make mistake into thinking that having enough money to buy the right to franchise is enough, when in reality it is not. The reason being slow starting growth, competitors and unexpected event might easily drain the costs of franchising. Furthermore, the Australian franchisee did not have enough funds to open at a strategic location where market is easily available. This cause consumer to prefer other fast food competitor at a convenient and strategic place. Secondly, poor business skill can cause major problem. Often people prefer franchisee because it is a proven system with all the training and support from the headquarters. However, franchisees have to keep in mind that franchising is one of the types of business. Thus, like every other business, it requires the managers to have a good people skill, marketing, strategic plans, and also experiences. Without theses any business will fail. South Korea franchisee lack these qualities and resulting in a poor growth. In addition to it, South Korea franchisee also need a lot of support and time from the head quarters which often will be costly for the headquarter. In the end NYF business involve people; if the manager does not manage its employees properly, employee will be demotivated which will lead to high turnover ratio. In addition to it although NYF has its brand equity, managers need to actively come up with strategic plans to improve their standing in the local market as well. Third, unable to follow the standard of the parent company is the worst outcome of franchising. By franchising, franchisee receive brand equity of NYF, thus customer expect the same food and services that are being served at any other NYF branch. However, if the franchisee does not follow the standard, quality served will be different and resulting in customer’s dissatisfaction. Worst, this might affect the company’s image in general. Both Australian franchisee and the first South Korean franchisee lack this quality as well. Franchising is a good way of Internationalization for NYF. Company becomes international in scope for many reasons: continued growth, domestic market saturation, potential foreign market, and many more. Franchising is a good way of internationalization because it can act as additional source of income, lessen risk compare to opening a wholly-owned branch in another country, smaller central organization, and maintaining a more cost effective labor. Although there are few disadvantages as well such as cost for training and support of the franchisees, risk of having their company’s image being broken by the misfit of their franchisees, franchisors has to disclose confidential information which will be risky if franchisees decide to open a new company, and pressure from franchisees to change certain policies. However, looking at the success of NYF franchising, I think that the benefits of franchising actually outweigh the disadvantages of franchising. However, there are certain things to be considered before NYF decide to expand their business in India and China. A few considerations that worth noting are conducting market research and finding the right franchisee with good business skills. Market research include finding the right target market, income distribution, and its culture. For example China and India are a strong culturist countries, so there is high possibility that NYF might not attract many consumer if localization is not done. Furthermore, the case also stated that there are many western quick-service restaurants that had a hard time in adjusting their menu to regional taste preferences across China. So, I don’t think NYF will attract many customers without changing its menu to meet the criteria of Chinese population. For India, western quick-service restaurants are relatively new to Indian customer so there is probability that local market will not consume the product directly, plus Indian does not consume beef. However, it all comes down to whether or not NYF will take the risk and the above problems may also be solve if NYF is able to find franchisees with good management skills to avoid failure like in Australia and South Korea. In conclusion, NYF has becoming more stable in its franchising business. However continuing to expand internationally need to be considered properly as well. NYF has to make the right decision if they decide to expand its market to China and India while at the same time maintaining its quality and avoiding failure like in the past. Even though if NYF decide to open new stores in India and China, they should do a thorough research on its market because rush decision might result in a failure. With this being said, NYF should focus more on South Korea and Australia market as well, because NYF has had experiences and by adjusting its past mistakes there might be significant growth in the future. References
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