Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Art and Protest Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Art and Protest Paper - Essay Example It is what makes us be well rounded and thoughtful human beings. Art exists in our daily life Art is created when a person, with the intention of joining another person or other people to himself so as to share one feeling expresses that feeling through certain external actions. To give an example: if a boy experiences, let us say, fear after encountering a wolf and relates to that that encounter, he may narrate that encounter to others in order to evoke the feeling of what he has experienced in other people. Even if the boy had not encountered a wolf but he was afraid of one, he may decide to evoke this fear in others by inventing an encounter with a wolf which he recounts to his listeners. This is a form of art. In the same way, it is art if a man, who has experienced either the attraction of enjoyment or the fear of suffering, expresses his feelings in marble or on canvas so that others share in these feelings. It is also art if a man imagines feelings and decides to express them through sounds so as to affect their feelings (Karen 2). Source: http://protestgraffiti.blogspot.com/ We cannot deny that art comprises a large portion of our daily life that we hardly even pause to think about it (Jasper 130). Everything we use from tables, desks are works of art because somebody designed them. That is art. We can as well define art as something that is functional and in most cases aesthetically pleasing the eyes. Art is always in a constantly changing state making it difficult to pin down a specific definition to it. The type of art will differ from one artist to another. For some, art is used as a means expression through the creation of fictional characters. For others, it is the establishment of a world no one else has seen (Jasper 140). When it comes to writing, each and every writer is different. Some writers may spend an entire paragraph describing how a character moves across a room while other will directly state that the character moved across the roo m. Some will use a ton of punctuations when writing their poetry; others use just the basic amount, while others don't use any punctuation at all. Some poets will always use perfectly rhyming words while others will prefer an open verse. A good example is Rick Riordan, a top seller yet he is a simplistic writer. In contrast Stephanie Meyer uses a lot of detail and is also a top seller. Writing As Art Using the stroke of a paintbrush, a painter expresses himself on the canvas. Add more paint, broader strokes, different colors and the artist gets an image, a creation. Just like a painter, with the stroke of his pen, a writer begins a creation, a work of art. By arranging words and sentences, the writer creates a big picture just like a painter uses paint and brush to produce a picture. Art involves creating significant or beautiful portrayals. When we picture the things that stir us and move us emotionally, many of them are pieces of writing. Some of them are hundreds of years old, but they still contain the power to elicit visceral and powerful responses. When we think of any sonnets by William Shakespeare, Martin Luther King’s ‘I Have A Dream’ speech or the Declaration of Independence we are reminded of the emotional moments when they were read out (Hooper 65). The word contained in these writings are no less powerful today than the when they were first heard yet it is many years since they were composed. This is the essence of art, to evoke emotions. There are hundreds of
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Impact of American Dream on Identity in Literature
Impact of American Dream on Identity in Literature American dream is a fantasy to a lot of people however in both readings it is depicted as an unfulfilled dream which is constantly sought after by both local and non-local Americans. To portray all possible dimensions of this fascinating subject I would like to quote two readings in my analysis which are â€Å"Let America be America again†[1] by Langston Hughes and â€Å"American Dreamer†[2] by Bharti Mukherji. Let America Be America Again, (Verse 1) claims for atonement of the Dream that never was. It talks about the flexibility and correspondence which America brags, yet never had. It anticipates a day when Liberty is crowned with no false patriotic wreath (Verse 11-12) and America is that great strong land of love (Verse 7). Author is not restricting his request to the discouraged Negro; he also incorporates the foreigner, the poor white, laborer, the Indian, agriculturist, the people (Verse 32) impart the Dream that has not been. The Dream still signals. In Freedoms Plow he brings up that America is a dream (Verse 76) and the result of the seed of opportunity is for all Americans as well as for all the world. The American Dream of fraternity, opportunity, and majority rules system must go to all people groups and all races of the world, he demands. The American Dream has showed up as a worn out, uneven, splotched, and frequently unattainable objective which regularly turned into a bad dream, yet there is dependably any desire for the satisfied dream even in the darkest minutes. All through the ballad, Hughes contrasts his trusts for America with the truth of life for those outside of the socially and monetarily predominant racial, religious, and social gatherings. He inspires the intense longs for the individuals who went to the United States on the grounds that they saw it as a paradise where they could be sheltered from the mistreatment they persisted in their countries however those fantasies of America have never materialized. Same is the situation with second reading perusing by Bharati Mukherjee who discusses her perspectives as a worker. Originating from India and her town Faridpur, Mukherjee advising Americans and foreigners to look to the new American society and dont be impeded by old traditions. Mukherjee discusses being friendless and separated from her establishes while in Canada where the populace is not as with the exception of. In her words they resists culture fusion I concur with her announcements on Canada and think the U.S. while it is known for racial and social tolerance is underrated on the world stage. Having all criticism, authors are hopeful for better prospects as a result of endeavored struggle in upcoming future. The sonnet â€Å"Let America be America again†starts with Hughes longing for America to be the America it once was; on the other hand, he remarks harshly, this picture of America is patently false. The most punctual Americans honed subjugation and persecution, efficiently pulverizing the lands local people groups to assemble their settlements. The perfect of America exists just in dreams, Hughes clarifies. Notwithstanding, he asks, Let America be the dream that dreamers dreamed- / Let it be that great strong land of love / Where never kings connive nor tyrants scheme. (Verse 6-8) For destitute, Native Americans, slaves, and workers, American has just ever been a dog eat dog world where the frail are crushed. The humble, hungry, mean residents dont get to drink from the mug of bounty; in spite of diligent work and aspiration, they will dependably stay outside the edges of achievement and solace. The speaker steps back almost instantly and recognizes that numerous visionaries came to America with the trust of cutting out an equivalent bit of riches and acknowledgement. The challenging were compelling, Hughes shouts, and he commends the visionaries who dreamt a dream so strong, so brave, so true. (Verse 39) The outcasts from Ireland, Poland, England, and significantly all the more along these Verses, the African slaves, landed in America on the grounds that they had no other decision. Then again, considerably in the wake of building the establishment of this homeland of the free, its wealth stay beyond their control. The speaker shouts out that the Negros, workers, and destitute must ascend and reclassify American equity as it was constantly intended to be. He states decidedly, We must take back our land again, / America! (Verse 70) Even if America is currently presently tormented by separation and voracity, the speaker (and Hughes) accept that it can be made strides. Consequently, the ballad closes on a hopeful, effective note of determination toward oneself and diligence. In â€Å"American Dreamer†, Mukherjee felt that the switch between an outside understudy and U.S. national was a huge change. She likewise says that she considers being an American resident important. I imagine that there is a noteworthy contrast in points of view toward citizenship between individuals who worker here and individuals whos families have known only the Americas. Like Mukherjee says, I became a citizen by choice, not by simple accident of birth. (American Dreamer, Mukherjee) She looks down on individuals who were given American citizenship (by conception) and dont admire it or grasp it. She adds to the multiculturalism that is so fundamental in the accomplishment of the United States. II chose to describe myself on my own terms, as an American, rather than as an Asian-American. Why is it that hyphenation is imposed only on nonwhite Americans? Rejecting hyphenation is my refusal to categorize the cultural landscape into a center and its peripheries; it is to demand that the American nation deliver the promises of its dream and its Constitution to all its citizens equally. (American Dreamer, Mukherjee) In this section Mukherjee truly demonstrates her imperviousness to the average foreigners who may call themselves Asian-American rather than simply an American. Mukherjee rejects this hyphenation. She accepts she is equivalent to all other American residents whether she was conceived in American or not. Mukherjee has an intense tone in this section. She is deciding to portray herself on her own terms (American Dreamer, Mukherjee). She decides to call herself an American and is extremely pleased to do this. She realizes that she merits all the rights and benefits that a local American merits. Later Mukherjee communicates her fervor about as a country we have not just the opportunity to hold those qualities we prize from our unique societies additionally the opportunity to recognize that the external types of those qualities are liable to change. Folks express fury or depression to a few parts of Indian society. Mukherjee might want to ask those folks this, What is it we have lost if our children are acculturating into the culture in which we are living? Is it so terrible that our children are discovering or are inventing homelands for themselves?†(American Dreamer, Mukherjee) She is recognizing that America has changed her. She says that it doesnt end until she demonstrates that she alongside the countless workers like her are moment by moment changing America. This change is a two-way transform that influences both the individual and the country social personality. Both of the above mentioned readings portray that American dream of millions has changed their identity as well. Their old identities had been lost somewhere on the way to their American dream. The only thing they left now is just their American identity. Both authors are hopeful and courageous regarding prosperous future of immigrants who endeavor to move to America for the sake of their American dream and American identities. [1] Hughes, L. (1935), Let American be America Again, retrieved from http://www.poets.org/poetsorg/poem/let-america-be-america-again. [2] Mukherjee, B., (1997), â€Å"American Dream†, Mother Jones.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Graduation Speech: I Am Everyman! :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address
This speech is bigger than me... bigger than this graduating class... and the world surrounding us. It is an epiphany. This speech is for the little guy, the middle man and the guy who is always behind the scenes... For the past four years, we have seen stories, read newspaper articles, and have heard announcements about our star athletes, scholars and over achievers. Although it is undeniable that they have left their footprints at County High by trying incessantly to better themselves, as you are on the brink of adulthood, you can't help but ask yourself, "What about me?" What about my effort to just get by? We speak, but our voices are silent, our contributions go seemingly unnoticed, and our greatest effort is just good enough. Although this lifestyle of mediocrity is not extravagant by society's standards, all of you should be proud to be here because you may be the first person in your family to graduate high school, be going on to college, or the first aspiring to break the cycle. And even though this day may be a small step to others, this may be the most important step of YOUR life. Appreciate the fact that you are setting the path for others who may be just like you following in your footsteps or climbing the same exact ladder you have climbed. Because of these inspirational acts, we are in fact the movers and shakers of America. While some by-standers are looking down at the field upon us, seeing teenagers who appear to be out of control, irresponsible and impossible, at the same time, a child is looking up to us seeking inspiration and validation... because to them, we are their only hope as we let down our guards when we become one society welcomed into another. Adulthood ladies and gentlemen!!! Today is a turning point for each and every one of us. While we sit on this field, we are in essence standing up to our fears of feeling inferior, and letting our true colors shine. Today is a day to be proud of yourself and each other. Today is your day to show everyone your true self. In a way, every person is the average Joe, because each step that we take, each move that we make, and each word that we utter, will somehow affect the life of another... and that is not average.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
A memorable experience in my life Essay
I have rarely thought about the so-called memorable experiences in life. Since there are a lot of things that need to be done now and also in the future, to me, it is quite hard to write about this topic and it took me a lot of time recalling what have happened in my life, what the memorable experiences were and what the most memorable one was. Finally, I realized that a memorable experience is not only a significant event like getting a university degree, travelling abroad or having a good job. It can also be small events in life such as the first day going to school, the first time riding bicycle or something like that. To me, the most memorable experience that I have was the time I spent with my father during my childhood. I have two elder brothers, one elder sister and one younger sister. My younger sister is only 2 years old younger than me and apparently, we spent most of the time playing together throughout our childhood. My father usually took us to the park by the river ever y weekend. There we played tig, hide-and-seek, merry-go-round; shared one piece of baked banana, and so on. They were just small things, but these small things made us remember all these moments forever. We felt happy every single moment we shared with our father. Read more: Essays About Life Experiences My father passed away on the Buddhist holiday (the 15th of the 7th month of the lunar calendar) last year due to poor health situation at the old age. We told each other not to cry so that he could leave this world peacefully. Finally, I could not stand it and left my brother’s house where my father was lying for a small park near my house. The merry-go-round there reminded me of all the good things he had devoted to us. I could not stop crying then. When my little daughter asks me to bring her to the park or do her some favor, I sometimes scold her because I am tired after being swamped up with the daily jobs and activities. Thinking of my father, I often say sorry to her after that and think if I can do just half of the things my father did for me, I am already a good mother. The most important thing I can learn from my father is to love my family, and to show the love to the beloved ones by simple actions in daily life. So, my friends, if you love someone, just say you love them and try your best to bring good things to your beloved ones whenever you can. Their happiness is your happiness!
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
I Have a Dream
First Body Paragraph: Although Dry. Kings speech incorporated all sorts of arguments including equality, empowerment and freedom, Longboats Hughes' poem focuses more on black empowerment. Acknowledging that Negroes were once Kings and Queens in Africa then reminding us that they were also enslaved to build the great pyramids. Hughes creates a relationship through the movement of African Americans throughout history. Specifically examining the incredible contributions African Americans have made not Just to the united States but to the world.Second Body Paragraph: While Longboats Hughes argued for empowerment and enrichment of culture and people, Dry. King demanded equality, freedom and respect. Dry. King refused to stand by and watch his people continue to be mistreated, unfairly Judged, disrespected and overlooked. He not only wrote a compelling argument but he delivered It on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. The same Abraham Lincoln that Hughes refers to in his poem. â€Å"l hea rd the singing of Mississippi when Abe Lincoln went down to New Orleans, and Eve seen its muddy blossom turn all gold in the sunset.Third Body Paragraph: Both of these incredibly successful Scholars helped to bring an end to the civil rights movement, passing new constitutional amendments. What I find so surprising is how they both made such an incredible impact with melodic forms of poetry according to the New York Times article written by: Machismo Skating â€Å"Dry. King pushed the text of his remarks to the side and began an extraordinary improvisation on the dream theme that would become one of the most recognizable refrains in the world. †Fourth Body Paragraph:With his Improvised riff, Dry. King took a leap Into history, Jumping from prose to poetry, from the podium to the pulpit. HIS voice arced Into an emotional crescendo as he turned from a sobering assessment of current social injustices to a radiant vision of hope -? of what America could be. Dry. King pushed the text of his remarks to the side and began an extraordinary improvisation on the dream theme that would become one of the most recognizable refrains in the world. †http://www. Anytime. Com/ 2013/08/28/us/the-lasting-power-of-dry-kings-dream-speech. HTML? I Have a Dream First Body Paragraph: Although Dry. Kings speech incorporated all sorts of arguments including equality, empowerment and freedom, Longboats Hughes' poem focuses more on black empowerment. Acknowledging that Negroes were once Kings and Queens in Africa then reminding us that they were also enslaved to build the great pyramids. Hughes creates a relationship through the movement of African Americans throughout history. Specifically examining the incredible contributions African Americans have made not Just to the united States but to the world.Second Body Paragraph: While Longboats Hughes argued for empowerment and enrichment of culture and people, Dry. King demanded equality, freedom and respect. Dry. King refused to stand by and watch his people continue to be mistreated, unfairly Judged, disrespected and overlooked. He not only wrote a compelling argument but he delivered It on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. The same Abraham Lincoln that Hughes refers to in his poem. â€Å"l hea rd the singing of Mississippi when Abe Lincoln went down to New Orleans, and Eve seen its muddy blossom turn all gold in the sunset.Third Body Paragraph: Both of these incredibly successful Scholars helped to bring an end to the civil rights movement, passing new constitutional amendments. What I find so surprising is how they both made such an incredible impact with melodic forms of poetry according to the New York Times article written by: Machismo Skating â€Å"Dry. King pushed the text of his remarks to the side and began an extraordinary improvisation on the dream theme that would become one of the most recognizable refrains in the world. †Fourth Body Paragraph:With his Improvised riff, Dry. King took a leap Into history, Jumping from prose to poetry, from the podium to the pulpit. HIS voice arced Into an emotional crescendo as he turned from a sobering assessment of current social injustices to a radiant vision of hope -? of what America could be. Dry. King pushed the text of his remarks to the side and began an extraordinary improvisation on the dream theme that would become one of the most recognizable refrains in the world. †http://www. Anytime. Com/ 2013/08/28/us/the-lasting-power-of-dry-kings-dream-speech. HTML? I Have a Dream First Body Paragraph: Although Dry. Kings speech incorporated all sorts of arguments including equality, empowerment and freedom, Longboats Hughes' poem focuses more on black empowerment. Acknowledging that Negroes were once Kings and Queens in Africa then reminding us that they were also enslaved to build the great pyramids. Hughes creates a relationship through the movement of African Americans throughout history. Specifically examining the incredible contributions African Americans have made not Just to the united States but to the world.Second Body Paragraph: While Longboats Hughes argued for empowerment and enrichment of culture and people, Dry. King demanded equality, freedom and respect. Dry. King refused to stand by and watch his people continue to be mistreated, unfairly Judged, disrespected and overlooked. He not only wrote a compelling argument but he delivered It on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. The same Abraham Lincoln that Hughes refers to in his poem. â€Å"l hea rd the singing of Mississippi when Abe Lincoln went down to New Orleans, and Eve seen its muddy blossom turn all gold in the sunset.Third Body Paragraph: Both of these incredibly successful Scholars helped to bring an end to the civil rights movement, passing new constitutional amendments. What I find so surprising is how they both made such an incredible impact with melodic forms of poetry according to the New York Times article written by: Machismo Skating â€Å"Dry. King pushed the text of his remarks to the side and began an extraordinary improvisation on the dream theme that would become one of the most recognizable refrains in the world. †Fourth Body Paragraph:With his Improvised riff, Dry. King took a leap Into history, Jumping from prose to poetry, from the podium to the pulpit. HIS voice arced Into an emotional crescendo as he turned from a sobering assessment of current social injustices to a radiant vision of hope -? of what America could be. Dry. King pushed the text of his remarks to the side and began an extraordinary improvisation on the dream theme that would become one of the most recognizable refrains in the world. †http://www. Anytime. Com/ 2013/08/28/us/the-lasting-power-of-dry-kings-dream-speech. HTML?
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