Thursday, December 26, 2019
The Tactics Used By The Media - 3506 Words
We live in a society that has compromised and diluted our so called â€Å"free will.†Everything that we do, say, and buy has been motivated and influenced by the media and what our world has deemed adequate and acceptable. Some of what is portrayed to us by the media is obvious, but often, companies use covert tactics to manipulate us into becoming the optimal consumers, those who will buy what we are told, despite whether or not need or even want the products that are being displayed to us. One of the brilliant tactics used by corporations is called subliminal messaging. Webster’s Dictionary defines the word subliminal as, â€Å"Relating to things that influence your mind in a way that you do not notice.†(1) Subliminal advertising is a means of†¦show more content†¦This term subliminal advertising was popularized in a 1957 by a book called The Hidden Persuaders by Vance Packard. This book displayed a study based on a movie theater in Fort Lee, NJ that was supposedly using subliminal commands and messages within certain films to increase their sales of popcorn and Coca-Cola. (2) Vicary claimed that he has created a phycological experiment to determining the effects of such subliming messages on the consumers that paralleled what was said to be happening in the theatre. He supposedly, â€Å"†¦arranged for the words â€Å"drink Coca-Cola†and â€Å"eat popcorn†to be flashed briefly on screen every five seconds during screenings of the film â€Å"Picnic.††(2) Vicary displayed the words for a single frame,which was, allegedly, â€Å" †¦ long enough for the subconscious to pick up, but too short for the viewer to be aware of it.†(5) Due to the messages being forced on the consumer, Vicary claimed that Coke sales within the theatre sky rocketed by 18% and popcorn sales sky rocketed by 58%. (6) In his book, he stated that these results prove that the minds of the individuals that he tested were influenced by the subliminal messages in the films. (2) This lead him to draw the conclusion that simply putting words on a screen for a period of time not recognizable to the conscious mind can influence human behavior. In this case, Vicary said that theShow MoreRelatedSmoke And Mirrors : Manipulated Realities924 Words  | 4 Pagesculture in which mediated information and reality are intertwined, making it difficult to distinguish the nuances between reality and representation. We are constantly inundated with images from many different people on many different types of social media platforms, which essentially makes it possible to know the rest of the world from our living room. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Relationship Between Polonius And Ophelia - 1299 Words
Generally, when a story, whether it be a book or movie, is titled with a character’s name, the story itself revolves around that specific character. Thus, most readers would be able to guess that the play Hamlet, written by William Shakespeare, is indeed about Hamlet, the prince of Denmark. What they do not expect, however, is to encounter a subplot that is so involved that the removal of it would cause the storyline to change drastically. The relationships between Polonius and his children, Laertes and Ophelia, serve as an essential subplot in Hamlet as they add complex literary elements that advance the play forward and reveal key attributes about Hamlet. The advice that Polonius and his children share amongst each other reveal the†¦show more content†¦iii. 129-130). He is telling her to spend less time with Hamlet because he feels that his vows of love are not as true as Hamlet makes them seems to be. Just like Laertes, this advice suggests that Polonius does not t hink highly of Hamlet and also thinks he is childish and doesn t actually love Ophelia. Their advice sets up their suspicions about Hamlet which leads Polonius to set up situations that will reveal Hamlet’s true feelings and show them he is not in fact mad because of Ophelia. The advice also causes Ophelia to distance herself from Hamlet, which raises some red flags in Hamlet’s mind and causes him to think that her family has something to do with it. Laertes tried to stay out of Ophelia s love life for the most part, but Polonius had no problem inserting himself into his daughter’s life. Polonius uses Ophelia as a pawn and manipulates her to get information from Hamlet. When Polonius sees that Hamlet has gone mad, he thinks it is the result of Ophelia’s lack of affection. Claudius says â€Å"We have closely sent for Hamlet hither, / That he as ‘twere by accident, may here / Affront Ophelia†(III. i. 32-34). He then says that Polonius and him are going to listen to the conversation. Polonius is hoping that Hamlet shows signs that his madness is due to Ophelia and being lovesick. Polonius is manipulating Ophelia to do whatever he wants. He doesn t seem to care what she wants. He just wants to be happy. First he tells her toShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Shakespeare s Hamlet 1060 Words  | 5 PagesEnglish Literature 7 December 2014 Relationships in Hamlet â€Å"True love is an act of the will-a conscious decision to do what is best for the other person instead of ourselves.†The quote by Billy Graham relates to the tragic play, Hamlet, by stating how true love is and should be rather than love being thought out to be doing what is best for yourself. One family in the story involves Hamlet, Gertrude, King Hamlet, and Claudius and the other family includes Ophelia, Polonius, and Laertes. Hamlet’s familyRead More Hamlet - Ophelias Identity Essay1320 Words  | 6 PagesHamlets antics that characters such as Ophelia remain relatively unexamined. Ophelia is a key figure in the play, and to understand her reactions to the patriarchal society in which she lives through her relationships with the men in her life adds more depth to the play. Ophelias character is revealed through her relationships with her father, Polonius, her brother, Laertes, and her lover, Hamlet, and their characters in turn are revealed through their rel ationships to her. The first opportunityRead MoreAnalysis of Ophelias Character in Shakespeares Hamlet Essay1159 Words  | 5 PagesEnglish play Hamlet, Shakespeare incorporates deep analytical thought in his writing by the use of character, symbolism, and motifs. Specifically, readers can find these characteristics through analytical reading of the character Ophelia. 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In this one instance, Hamlet does not want to kill Claudius because he is praying and thus overthinks it and believes Claudius may go to heaven if he dies while doing a good deed, he wants to catch Claudius committing a sin and kill him then so he is assured Claudius will go to hell. In the other instance, Hamlet believes that Claudius is in the room with him and his mother and stabs him without thinking about it, only for it to end up being Polonius, who, although isRead MoreOphelias Road to Madness1119 Words  | 5 Pagesis rendered through examination of her relationships with her father Polonius, her brother, Laertes, and her lover Hamlet. I. Polonius is self seeking and callous. A. Polonius uses her to further his own agenda. B. Ophelia obediently and dutifully refuses Hamlet at her father’s request. II. Laertes overshadows Ophelia’s hope. A. Laertes brotherly advice is demanding. B. Ophelia loses her friend and confidant in her brother’s absence. III. Ophelia goes from happy to devastated in her loveRead MoreThe Serious of Major Depressive Disorder904 Words  | 4 PagesWilliam Shakespeare, know that Ophelia is one of the characters who suffer from a mental disorder, which known as major depressive disorder. At the beginning of the play, Ophelia’s mental state is very healthy, she falls in love with her boyfriend Hamlet, yet their relationship is controlled by her father. During the play, Ophelia experiences a transformation of her mindset, which causes by Hamlet. As the play closer to the end, the death of Polonius, father of Ophelia, makes Ophelia’s mental becomes
Monday, December 9, 2019
Gay Teens In High School Essay Research free essay sample
Gay Teens In High School Essay, Research Paper GAY TEENAGERS One homosexual adult male remembers his high school old ages as filled with intense solitariness, fright and self-hatred. Another recalls disbursement every tiffin period in a bathroom stall. A sapphic recollects her bottling up all her emotions and hushing all self-generated gestures, terrified of stating or making anything to bewray her ain secret. Unusual memories? Not at all. Most cheery people, and many of today? s homosexual teens in high school, can depict similar narratives. In most adolescents? lives, they experience a fantastic four old ages of high school ; but cheery adolescents experience something much different. These pupils go through school seeking to suit in and merely be accepted by the society around them. In many instances, there is good that comes from being homosexual and being out ( to declare 1s gender ) in school but the bad things will ever overmaster the good. We will write a custom essay sample on Gay Teens In High School Essay Research or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A survey done in 1995 by the US Department of Health and Human Services showed that homosexual and sapphic young persons are 35 % more likely to travel through with self-destruction. Every twelvemonth that rate gets higher and higher. Now is the clip to look past indifference and see a individual for who that individual is # 8230 ; a human being. In many high schools across the state, there are at least a smattering of childs in each high school that are cheery, sapphic, and/or bisexual but are concealing themselves. In other words, they are playing heterosexual ( moving straight person ) . In an mean high school? about 3 % ? of pupils are really cheery, with? about 1 % ? of those pupils who are out to everyone. ( Hopkins, Gary: ) On norm, a high school pupil, homosexual or heterosexual, will hear? anti-gay comments about 25-40 times? in one school twenty-four hours. ( Hopkins, Gary: ) Out of all the verbal maltreatment heard, ? 80 % of it is failed to be reported? due to the fact that pupils are non confident with their gender yet. A study done in 1996 on over 8,400 high school pupils by The Safe School Anti-Violence Undertaking reported some interesting statistics. Out of the 8,400 pupils: ? 95 % characterize themselves as heterosexual ; 5 % as homosexual or bisexual, and 4 % as uncertain. ? ( The Safe School Anti-Violence Undertaking of Washington: ) Among the gay/lesbian/bisexual pupils, ? 34 % has been harassed? due to their? sexual orientation. ? Besides, they were? 3 times more likely to be injured in a battle that necessitating medical attention. ? ( The Safe School Anti-violence Project of Washington: ) Furthermore, about? 75 % of pupils reported experiencing insecure? in school and have stated feeling? strongly about suicide. ? ( The Safe School Anti-violence Project of Washington: ) When a adolescent realizes for the first clip their gender, they feel it? s highly difficult to state anyone. Gay adolescents feel it? s hard to come out into today? s society, due to the great figure of factors halting them ; homophobia ( irrational fright of homophiles ) is one of the factors. Adolescents have to travel through people that hate them merely because of their sexual orientation. Gay adolescents in high school have to confront homophobic adolescents everyday. In many instances of homophobia, cheery adolescents lose their friends and household. They don? T feel accepted if they do state their household and friends. The overpowering esthesis of forsaking is so great, the adolescent feels that he/she will stop up acquiring kicked out of the house. Or, that his/her friends will no longer desire to be his/her friend any longer. Adolescents wear? Ts cognize how? to experience or respond under these conditions. ? ( Wilson, Terry: Chicago Tribune 25 Mar. 1997 ) This leads to mass? confusion and solitariness? . ( Wilson, Terry: Chicago Tribune 25 Mar. 1997 ) The feeling of rejection is another factor that makes it difficult to come out. Your friends leave you, households disown you, and society looks down upon you. The deficiency of support makes it difficult for cheery young persons to come out. They don? T know whom to swear with this secret. ? The adolescent has no 1 to look up too. ? ( Cloud, John: Timess 8 dec. 1999 82-83 ) The pupil feels they are the lone one in their school and is afraid to come out. ( Cloud, John: Timess 8 Dec. 1999 82-83 ) The deficiencies of support and function theoretical accounts in schools leave many homosexual and sapphic pupils experiencing entirely and ashamed during their adolescence. The high rate of self-destruction among cheery and sapphic pupils is the consequence of a sense of profound isolation and loneliness experienced through high school. ( Lopes, Paula: interview 31 Jan. 2000 ) Many adolescents fear coming out because of the force they have observed. One incident is the Matthew Shepard onslaught. Anti-gay offenses like that leave adolescents experiencing even more fearful of coming out. Even worse the force may come from within their ain places. A 17-year-old adolescent told his parents that he was homosexual. His ain male parent beat him to near decease while the female parent stood by shouting anti-gay slurs at her boy. ( Safe Schools Coalition of Washington State: Jan. 1999 ) If cheery adolescents fear coming out in today? s society, is it society maintaining these adolescents in the closet? Most people teach their childs to hassle homosexual adolescents. These childs grow up in a place where they hear their ain parents? doing anti-gay slurs, more. Two sapphic misss are at a school football game. A few rows up from them are a group of parents shouting out anti-gay comments to the immature misss. Feeling upset they leave. On the manner out a group of immature childs throw nutrient at them and name them names every bit good. ( Safe Schools Coalition of Washington State: Jan. 1999 ) Besides, many racialist groups threaten immature adolescents with verbal and/or physical torment. Some racialist groups could be the KKK, different packs, and highly conservative spiritual groups. These people make these adolescents feel ashamed for who they are. There is no safe manner for these adolescents? to research the possibilities? with out acquiring? criticized and physically harmed. ? ( Marcus, Eric 56 ) Gay and sapphic pupils frequently feel unseeable in their ain schools. Their invisibleness is typically reinforced by heterosexism ( everyone should be heterosexual ) in their environment, which causes homosexual and sapphic pupils feel unseeable, unsupported and stray. ( Making Schools Safe for Gay and Lesbian Young person: Report of Mass. Governor? s Commission on Gay and sapphic Youth, 1993 ) Society? s at titude, behaviours and inclinations to render homosexual and sapphic pupils unseeable in the school and within the household. The pupils? feelings of uncomfortableness and isolation are reinforced as their schools further perpetuate the myth of their nonentity. ( Lopes, Paula: interview 31 Jan. 2000 ) The deficiency of cognition of homosexual and sapphic pupils is a major function that society holds on maintaining them in the cupboard. ? Some myths are: All gay people have HIV/AIDS, If you stand following to a homosexual individual you will go homosexual, and Gay people are ever seeking to enroll other people. ? ( Katz, Jonathan 103 ) For the pupils that are out and in high school, we should clap them. These adolescents had the strength to get the better of all of the negative facets, which kept them from coming out. But, we do hold to expression at both sides of coming out excessively ; the positive side and so the negative side. Abuses take many signifiers ; they all hurt. Racial, cultural and sexual slurs are peculiarly opprobrious. Whereas most of us would non let a racialist slur to happen unbridled, we do non ever accord the same criterions to those comments made at the disbursal of sapphic and cheery people. Sometimes such slurs wear? T even acquire recognized as being hurtful and may be considered socially acceptable. Many immature people use footings such as? lezzie? , ? fagot? or? fagot? when mentioning to gay and sapphic people or to people who we Don? T like or esteem. This behaviour attacks the self-pride of a sapphic and cheery young person and Teachs immature people that hatred of homophiles is tolerated by our society. When a adolescent comes out while still in high school, that individual now has a peace of head. ? They no longer hold to contend within themselves. ? ( Cloud, John: Timess 8 Dec 1997 82-83 ) These adolescents now have a topographic point to belong in this brainsick universe. These pupils have a batch of bravery to confront all their frights. A immense load has been lifted off their thorax. They can keep their caput up high and say I? m proud to be gay/lesbian/bisexual. These teens have? accomplished a major undertaking in their life. ? ( Cloud, John: Timess 8 Dec 1997 82-83 ) When the adolescent does come out to his/her parents, and the parents understand, the adolescent has an overpowering feeling of credence. They know their household will be at that place to steer and back up them through midst and thin. These cheery adolescents have the power of apprehension of themselves ; they are now a whole individual. Yet, with good effects there are the bad 1s as good. Many high school pupils walk the halls listening to verbal torment: Hey you Fag! Expression at the Dykes! Stupid fagots! All cheery people should be shot. Those were merely a really short list of some verbal torment. Verbal torment is merely as damaging as physical, sometimes more so. Teachers that hear the verbal torment? fail to describe about 97 % of it. ? ( Hopkins, Gary: ) While in school about ? 69 % of all GLBT ( gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender ) crimes? take topographic point. ( Byrd, Richard: ) 97 % of all pupils in public high schools report on a regular basis hearing homophobic comments from their equals. ( Making Schools Safe for Gay and Lesbian Young person: Report of Mass. Governor? s Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth, 1993 ) With verbal torment, physical torment International Relations and Security Network? T far behind. Gay people are three times more likely to be victimized. ( Kuklin, Susan: 71 ) About 15 % of all tribades or bisexual adult females have reported being victimized or raped at least one time in their lives because of their sexual orientation. ( Katz, Jonathan: 23 ) A 16-year-old miss is dating another female. Five male childs from school find out, so they force her into a vacant schoolroom and state her if she doesn? t perform unwritten sex on them they will kill her. They boys name her names and they rip off all her apparels. They start to ravish her 1 at a clip. After they are done ravishing her, they about beat her to decease. Right before they leave, they tell her? Following clip we see you with your girlfriend, you won? t unrecorded to see the following day. ? ( Safe Schools Coalition of Washington State: Jan. 1999 ) In 1995, there were 2,395 studies of physical torment. In 1996, there were 2,529 studies ; that is a 6 % addition within one twelvemonth. ( Byrd, Richard: ) The hardest portion of coming out is being accepted ; most times you? re non. You hope that your friends understand you and will assist you through the unsmooth times. They merely turn their dorsums on you. Then you think your household will assist you so. They have excessively ; they? re your flesh and blood. You tell them, they tell you that you are no longer their son/daughter. You have no 1 to accept you now. When stating your household you are gay/lesbian, your ma and dad boot you out of the house. You hold merely been abandoned. ? 26 % of homosexual and tribades young persons are forced to go forth their place because of struggles with their households over their sexual identities. ? ( Remafedi. G: Pediatricss, 79 ) Another negative facet of coming out and non being able to populate in peace is suicide. As declared before, 35 % of homosexual and sapphic young persons are more likely to finish a self-destruction. Gay and sapphic adolescents sometimes can? t handle the isolation and torment so they feel it is best to stop the torment by stoping their lives. ? Gay and sapphic self-destructions makes up approximately 28 % of the self-destruction rate in the US. ? ( The Safe School Anti-Violence Project of Washington: ) ? In a survey of depression in homosexual and sapphic young persons, research workers found depression work stoppages homosexual youth four to five times more badly than their non-gay peers. ? ( The Safe School Anti-Violence Project of Washington: ) While depressed adolescents are more likely drink, ? 68 % of homosexual males use intoxicant and 44 % usage other drugs ; 83 % of tribades use intoxicant and 56 % usage other drugs. ? ( Hunter. J. Unpublished research by the Columbia University HIV Center for Clinical and Behavioral Studies, 1992 ) ? 80 % of tribades, homosexual and bisexual young person study terrible isolation jobs from being depressed. ? ( Hetrick. E.S. : Martin. A.D. , Journal of Homosexuality 14 ( 1/2 ) . 25-43. 1987 ) Gay young persons are more than? five times more likely to jump categories or school because they feel unsafe. ? Marcus, Eric: 19 ) So many pupils have skipped categories to remain off from other schoolmates that verbally hassle them, sometimes repeatedly losing certain categories. In a national survey, ? 28 % of sapphic, homosexual, and bisexual high school pupils were seen to hold dropped out of school because of torment. ? ( Remafedi. G: Pediatricss, 142 )
Monday, December 2, 2019
Macbeth Ideas Essays - Characters In Hamlet, Prince Hamlet, Hamlet
Macbeth Ideas Person's thoughts will differ from their actions, be it the fear of being the same or different from others, the consequences of their actions, or the opinions that others may form about them. People live their lives like drones, always conforming to the rules, afraid to brake away from the norm and do what they know or even feel to be the right thing to do simply because they might cause a ripple in the smooth little lake in which their boat is afloat. Within the Playwright Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, Hamlet suffers from such dilemma. Hamlet refuses to act on what he knows to be accurate, always reassuring himself of his lack of action. Hamlet also acts in a manner which some may wish to call lunacy. This is due to the loss in which he has suffered, as well as he is just pretending to fool the people who he is plotting against. Hamlet's father, King Hamlet, was the greatest king Denmark had ever seen. Respected and revered by all with the exception of his brother, Claudius. Claudius had envied his older brother since boyhood, the king living the life that Claudius had always wanted. A wife, a son, and a kingdom were all the holdings possessed by King Hamlet, holdings and possessions that Claudius would soon make his, by the killing of his brother. Though Hamlet feels that his mother's marriage to Claudius was to soon after the death of King Hamlet, he does not suspect Claudius killed king Hamlet until told of a sighting of a ghost by some guards while on watch. Hamlet tells Polonious that he will stand watch that night with them to see if they can see the ghost again. That night Hamlet stands watch with Polonious and the ghost appears before them. The ghost tells Hamlet that he is his father, and of how he was killed. Hamlet is told that while his father lay under the shade of a tree Claudius came to him and poured poison in his ear and caused his death instantaneously not allowing him time to repent of his sins, therefore condemning him to be trapped between the two paranormal worlds. The ghost then tells Hamlet to avenge his death. Though hamlet agrees to kill Claudius he does not kill him forthright. Hamlet hesitates and seems to invalidate every possible moment or opportunity that arises to take the life of Claudius. His reason for his hesitation is not known and one can only guess at what they may be. It could be that he doesn't believe the ghost. He could be afraid of hurting his mother by killing her second husband, or the fact that he is his uncle. What ever the reason is, he doses hesitate, and by doing so causes more pain and suffering for more people than if he would have killed Claudius forthright. The first example noted of such hesitation by Hamlet within the play if found within act three scene three where Hamlet contemplates the extermination of Claudius while he seems to be at prayer. " Now might I do it pat, now he's praying. And..." (P70-71) Within this paragraph Hamlet will eventually state that he cannot kill Claudius due to the fact that to kill him at prayer would only send him to heaven and not eternally damn him to the bowels of hell. Hamlet thinks that if he killed Claudius while he was at prayer and he was sent to heaven that it would be unfair to his father who is eternally trapped between the present and the afterlife. That is at least the reason that is given by Hamlet directly from the text. Though by the reading the entire book you will see a patter of actions and lack of actions that seem to signify that he only acts insane so to disorientate the other people within the story. Yet knowing that his father was murdered, who murdered him, and what Hamlet was asked to do to seek vengeance he feels that he has to constantly reassure himself of his lack of action was right so that he doesn't feel like he is failing his father. Hamlet is mad and plotting and or struggling with the question of what to do about the revenge seeking that he has sworn to tend to for his deceased father. The loss of a father has exiled him into a non-existent state to where neither present world nor the futures that will come are
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