Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Relationship Between Polonius And Ophelia - 1299 Words

Generally, when a story, whether it be a book or movie, is titled with a character’s name, the story itself revolves around that specific character. Thus, most readers would be able to guess that the play Hamlet, written by William Shakespeare, is indeed about Hamlet, the prince of Denmark. What they do not expect, however, is to encounter a subplot that is so involved that the removal of it would cause the storyline to change drastically. The relationships between Polonius and his children, Laertes and Ophelia, serve as an essential subplot in Hamlet as they add complex literary elements that advance the play forward and reveal key attributes about Hamlet. The advice that Polonius and his children share amongst each other reveal the†¦show more content†¦iii. 129-130). He is telling her to spend less time with Hamlet because he feels that his vows of love are not as true as Hamlet makes them seems to be. Just like Laertes, this advice suggests that Polonius does not t hink highly of Hamlet and also thinks he is childish and doesn t actually love Ophelia. Their advice sets up their suspicions about Hamlet which leads Polonius to set up situations that will reveal Hamlet’s true feelings and show them he is not in fact mad because of Ophelia. The advice also causes Ophelia to distance herself from Hamlet, which raises some red flags in Hamlet’s mind and causes him to think that her family has something to do with it. Laertes tried to stay out of Ophelia s love life for the most part, but Polonius had no problem inserting himself into his daughter’s life. Polonius uses Ophelia as a pawn and manipulates her to get information from Hamlet. When Polonius sees that Hamlet has gone mad, he thinks it is the result of Ophelia’s lack of affection. Claudius says â€Å"We have closely sent for Hamlet hither, / That he as ‘twere by accident, may here / Affront Ophelia†(III. i. 32-34). He then says that Polonius and him are going to listen to the conversation. Polonius is hoping that Hamlet shows signs that his madness is due to Ophelia and being lovesick. Polonius is manipulating Ophelia to do whatever he wants. He doesn t seem to care what she wants. He just wants to be happy. First he tells her toShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Shakespeare s Hamlet 1060 Words   |  5 PagesEnglish Literature 7 December 2014 Relationships in Hamlet â€Å"True love is an act of the will-a conscious decision to do what is best for the other person instead of ourselves.† The quote by Billy Graham relates to the tragic play, Hamlet, by stating how true love is and should be rather than love being thought out to be doing what is best for yourself. One family in the story involves Hamlet, Gertrude, King Hamlet, and Claudius and the other family includes Ophelia, Polonius, and Laertes. 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