Friday, January 3, 2020

Jamaica And The United States - 1529 Words

Jamaica and The United States Ever wondered why Jamaica is in debt and why the United states isn’t, all of this had to have happen by something. The English used the slaves to benefit themselves by growing cash crops to sell to England, over 300 years of England’s control Jamaica gained its independence on August 6, 1962. Jamaica didn’t have enough time to build a strong economy after independence, so they took a loan from the IMF (International monetary fund) which had certain restrictions on what to do with the money, this was their downfall. The IMF demanded Jamaica to spend to a limited amount on education and health, devalue Jamaica’s currency, this doesn’t solve anything because it hurts the future of†¦show more content†¦How does the differentiation of economic geography between Jamaica and the U.S affect the country. The U.S has way more land more land the Jamaica, which means it has more resources than Jamaica and it also says the U.S produces more than Jamaica because they have more workers and the U.S has ports so it s easy for trading in and out of the country. Jamaica is smaller than the U.S so they produce less and they don’t have as much of land than the U.S so they don’t have as much resources which sets them below the U.S and they use tourism as a resource to help with the economy. The U.S has more than three hundred million people which helps with increasing the economy, people have a high literacy rate which is ninety-nine percent so people know what to do, .7% of labor force is in agriculture so most of the population in tertiary or secondary activities which is more valuable than agriculture,15.1% is poverty but they have most of the population working and last has 2.347 trillion imports so they don’t have to work about running out of resources. Jamaica has a population of about three million which is nothing compared to the U.S, people have a literacy rate or eighty - nine pe rcent so they are fair educated but education isn’t important for Jamaica, seventeen percent is in agriculture so the country kind of relies on agriculture, 16.5%

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